Feb 22, 2008

Prayer Room sessions

PSG has taken over the running of the prayer rooms from 12th Feb. The prayer room is now open 20 minutes before school commences, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The response has been overwhelming, and we even have to turn away some Lasallians when the room is too full. Our programs include, Children liturgy, Gospel reading, hymns, personal sharing, Stations of the Cross, rosary and Saints days.

Parents are most welcome to join us in these sections and if you ever feel inspired to share your faith with the Lasallians, please do not feel shy to contact us. We love to have you!

Lucy, a parent catechist doing the station of the cross + hymn with Guitar. We are so blessed to have such talented parents.

Feb 20, 2008

Appreciation of the Eucharistic presence

We had a combined catechism class for our Pr2s in the morning and the Pr1s in the afternoon. Jillian, one of our parent catechists, having gone for a training course under the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, shared with the children the meaning behind the wine and the water in the chalice and the gesture of Epiclesis. We hope that they will understand better and appreciate the Eucharistic presence during mass. We are planning for a similar session for the other levels next term.